This post was written as part of the Breastfeeding Cafe's Carnival. For more info on the Breastfeeding Cafe, go to www.breastfeedingcafe.wordpress.com. For more info on the Carnival or if you want to participate, contact Claire at clindstrom2 {at} gmail {dot} com. Today's post is about your partner's role in breastfeeding. Please read the other blogs in today's carnival listed below and check back for more posts July 22nd through August 4th!
Tuesday, July 30th - How your partner helped/hindered: was your partner a huge support or did they take a bit to get used to nursing? If you are a single parent, has anyone else in your family helped or hindered your breastfeeding efforts?
I am so grateful to my husband, Jonny, for his support in my birth and breastfeeding processes. He attended birth and breastfeeding classes with me before the birth of our daughter and was with me every step of the way through pregnancy, birth and breastfeeding. I especially appreciate how supportive he was of my breastfeeding, despite the fact that he came from a family who never nursed. He did, however, serve a 2 year LDS mission in Bolivia where women nurse constantly very openly. I'm so grateful that nursing had been so normalized for him!
Even though he had always visualized himself bonding with his babies through bottles, he has never been anything but supportive of breastfeeding. I can't count the times I've doubted myself and he has buoyed me up and encouraged me to keep going. When I'm feeding the baby, he'll make sure I have everything I need (drink, phone, etc.) and will take care of our older daughter if the baby needs quiet time.
Not only does he support me personally, but he also spreads the word to others about the benefits of normal birth and breastfeeding and I love him for it!
What about you?
Here are more post by the Breastfeeding Cafe Carnival participants! Check back because more will be added throughout the day.
- Sara @ Momzelle-Partner Breastfeeding Support - Support During Weaning
- Claire @ The Adventures of Lactating Girl-My Husband’s Unexpected Support
- Hailey @ Birth Utah-My Husband, My Hero
- Angelina @ dizzyrat-My Home
- Krystyna @ Sweet Pea Births-Real Men Support Breastfeeding
- Timbra @ Bosoms and Babes-Partners in Crime
- And of course the guest poster on the Breastfeeding Cafe’s blog today is Emily-Support Makes All The Difference
Yay for normalized breastfeeding!